Easter in Denmark
During Easter the whole Southwest coast fills up with visitors from Perth, Kalgoorlie, etc. So there is no chance to book a acommendation spontaneously as we always did. But we have a beautiful home for Eastern: we can stay with Mike, the surf instructor, his wife Sharon and the three gorgeous kids. There is the option to occupy their 15 year old bus, it does not drive anymore, but is fully equipped with beds, fridge and even sewing machine. As it is a rainy week-end, we stay in the house and live together.

Sharon made us feel at home
On Eastern there is the traditional Denmark market with lots of food, crafts, life concerts and performances going on the whole day.

No smile demonstration

not funny
The kids loved to transform into tiger and cat…

Raaaaahhhhh tiger

Shy kitticat
In the afternoon there was a play about the Aboriginal history in the forest.
It is irritating to see, how the Aboriginal culture is not appreciated or integrated into Australian lifenymore. What you get is mostly art, dijeridoos and boomerangs. But everything related to their spiritual world somehow dissapeared although it is very beautiful:
Aboriginals have a deep spiritual believe. They believe in two forms of time;one is the daily life, the other is an infinite spiritual cycle called the ‘dreamtime’, more real than reality itself. Like in Hawaii they believed, that before humans, animals, and plants came into being, their ‘souls’ existed; When the souls got physical, all but one of the ‘souls’ became plants or animals, with the last one becoming human and acting as a guardian to the natural world around them.
This play was addressing the beauty of Aboriginal culture and the crime commited by the white people in the area of Denmark. It was the brave attempt to speak about it and to say sorry.
About 100 actors and musicians were all from the tiny village of Denmark – a hidden island of very talented and creative people .

The sound of the Aboriginal wisdom
During the play we walked through the forest to different places, where the play took place, showing the deep connection to nature and how it teaches us important lessons.

The aborigines man between heaven and earth
The next morning the 5 kids were up earlier than ever to look for Easter eggs. Gilligan was waking us up using his snorkel as didjeridoo…

ready for easter egg hunting

Sienna ready for the hunt

Easter eggs in the bus?
Categories: Australia Westcoast