Walpole – kangaroos and endless beaches
We carry on to explore the South although we could easily just stay forever. This time we travel just by car without a campervan. I love the feeling of being on the road and opening up for the unexpected again: the people we meet, the inspirations we get, the places we stay…
In Walpole we check into the chalet “Sheraton” right next to the meaningful “Peaceful Bay” with some friendly kangaroos jamping around.
The chalet has preserved its own character from 30 years ago.

Dinner with style
A setting, that provoques some discussions about style…
The managers Christine, an Indian soul and Colin, her husband, just came back from a world trip to India, Europe and the States. Now they live here, grow their own vegetables, host three parrots and enjoy the community down here.
This region is stunning. We enjoy Peaceful Bay, which offers sweet waves for Robinson and rock islands with pools which we can swim to.

On the same wave
Along the coast is the valley of the giants, a forest of over 50 meters high tingle trees, jarrah and karri, some kind of Eucalyptus trees.
The tree top walk here offers an unknown experience of nature:
You can walk over a see-through bridge slightly swaying at 40 meters in heights next to the giant canopies of the tingle trees. A beautiful way to relate in a very different way to these trees and plants, some of them have origins traced back 65 million years to the super continent Gondwana.
By now, over 2 million people went up gambling online casinos into the forest since its opening in 1996. A great project to protect the forests and to create awareness in people about the richness and beauty of nature. And it pays off, looking at an investment of 1.8 million $…
And there is another jewel along the coast. Thinking back, it is one of the top 5 beaches of the whole trip. Out of respect for the locals this spot shall remain unnamed, somewhere on the South Coast of Western Australia.
We go along the short walkway, passing through the dunes and stop speechless when we look down to the bay: totally untouched nature with white sandy beach in a perfectly shaped bay with amazing waves pealing sideways with a clean barrel with no more than 3 surfers out there.
Gerry has had one of these surf sessions, where life is just good.
I paddled out, got truly impressed by the wall of water coming up behind me and decided to stay further inside and ride the smaller waves…
Robinson and Sienna jump over the waves, run up and down the dunes and discuss the size of the whale tails they have seen coming out of the water…
Categories: Australia Westcoast